Compact Microplate Heat Sealer

Vitl Life Science Solutions Laboratory Products

Find out about the Vitl Life Science Solutions laboratory equipment range including microplate heat sealers, microtube pickers, film and foil heat seals and the Co-Mix and Ther-Mix programmable laboratory mixer/shakers.

Microplate Heat SealerV902002Variable Temperature Sealer (VTS) Base Unit
(at least one adapter required- sold separately)
V902004VTS Adaptor Plate for 96-well PCR plate
V902003VTS Adaptor Plate for standard microplate
V902005VTS Adaptor Plate for deep-well microplate
Compact Microplate Heat SealerV903002MicroTS Heat Sealer (MTS) Base Unit
(at least one adapter required- sold separately)
V903005MTS Adaptor Plate A for Deep-well microplate
V903004MTS Adaptor Plate B for 96 well PCR plate
V903003MTS Adaptor Plate C for standard microplate
Microplate Heat SealsV90100170um Heat Sealing Foil - colour code RED- 100sheets
V90100220um Heat Sealing Foil - colour code GREEN- 100 sheets
V90100338um Heat Sealing Foil - colour code BLUE-100 sheets
V90100485um Heat Sealing Foil - colour code BLACK - 100 sheets
V90100575um Heat Sealing Film -100 sheets
V901006105um Heat Sealing Film-100 sheets
Reels available on request
Co-Mix laboratory Mixer and ShakerV101002Vitl Co-Mix Base Unit (3x Adapters included)
V101003Co-Mix Adaptor-1 (PCR 96-well plate)
V101004Co-Mix Adaptor-2 (0.5ml tubes)
V101005Co-Mix Adaptor-3 (1.5/2.0ml tubes)
Esy-Pik Tube PickerV201001Microtube Esy-Pik
V201002Cryotube Esy-Pik
Flexi-Therm Dry Block HeaterV103002Vitl Flexi-Therm Base Unit
(at least one heat module required- sold separately)
Ther-Mix Heated Laboratory MixerV102002Vitl Ther-Mix Base Unit
(at least one heat module required- sold separately)
Intelligent Heated ModulesV104101HM01:0.5mL Conical Tube
V104102HM02:1.5mL Conical Tube
V104103HM03:2.0mL Round Tube
V104112HM12: Qiagen tube